Monday, October 11, 2010

Great Ocean Road - A Historical Travel Spots With Lots of Natural Beauties

Australia has a lot of tourist attractions. Great Ocean Road is one of the most interesting among them. But it is not only popular, it's amazing natural beauty, but also has some historical value.

The Great Ocean Road is nearly 243 km of road along which is adjacent to the south-western Victoria. He is from Torquay and finished in Alan Ford. The road was returned to the War of 3000 soldiers who participated in the First World War built. E 'to the memory of the deadPeoples of the First World War. The road was completed after 14 years after the start.

It is a widely available natural beauty next to the Great Ocean Road. If you visit between Anglesea and Apollo Bay to enjoy the stunning beauty of the mountains meet the sea many times.

be seen on the side of Port Campbell, the world's most beautiful coastline. It is composed of beautiful natural limestone and sandstone rock formations. This trainingcreated by erosion of waves and rain.

Near Lorne several forest roads and some small waterfalls also seen. Great Otway National Park is located between Apollo Bay and Gellibrand Lower Austria. Contains some last surviving tropical rainforests. After passing a short distance may be the natural beauty of Myrtle Beach.

Not only can you enjoy the scenic beauty of the Great Ocean Road, you can also whale watching Southern Right Whale at the time of their annualMigration. You can also watch, while the ways of life indigenous to Wathaurong.

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