Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lavender Fields on the Island of Hvar

The main area for cultivation of lavender in Croatia is located on the island of Hvar. Lavender is appreciated for its medical properties and characteristic fragrance. It mostly thrives on the hills and the rocky slopes on the island of Hvar.

The first bush of lavender, on the island of Hvar, was planted in 1928. A cultivation of lavender increased in 1960 when lavender was planted on the 600 hectares and obtained about 20 tons of lavender oil. The golden period of Hvar's lavender lasted for about 20 years. The cultivation of lavender started to decrease with development of tourism and olive growing. Also, three big fires on the island made a huge damage to the lavender fields. The lavender fields today spread in just 80 hectares and produce about three to five tons of oils.

Lavender blooms in the end of June and the beginning of July. The fields of lavender are going to delight you with its fragrance and intense violet blue color in that period.

Many tourists like to visit the island when lavender blooms to see the unusual phenomenon of beautiful colors.

On the island of Hvar, Lavender is produced in an environmentally healthy way. Sowing and harvesting are done manually.

Lavender is recommended for stress and for strengthening the immune system. It can also be used as medicine for various diseases. Lavender helps for burns and insect bites. You can use it in your closet for protection against moths. Also, lavender can be used as a spice in many dishes, soups and deserts.

By distillation of lavender flowers, essential oil is obtained - the oil is used for body massage, hot baths and for scented candle. Large amount of dried flowers is required to obtain a liter of essential lavender oil. Except essential oil, lavender can be used as a tea. The lavender flowers are used for preparation of tea with surprising effect against asthma, heart nervousness and cramps in the gut.

You have to take a sachet or bottle of essential lavender oil if you visit the island of Hvar. It will always remind you on the beauty of Croatian landscape.

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