Sunday, September 5, 2010

Iconic Point Beach Girl 2 - Jennifer O'Neill

Ah the summer of '42.

No matter what year of birth, which is not the head of the dunes in love with the film as the haunting music of Michel Legrand, and brown haired bride, Jennifer O'Neill ruffled?

The film was made in 1971 and follows the typical "coming of age" kind of a young adult experiences that transform him. Autobiographical in nature, the story tells of a summer World War II spent on Nantucket Island during the (re-named island Patchettfor the film), when the author Herman raucher 14 years. The main character "Hermie goes for an unrequited love with an older woman recently married Dorothy, whose new husband has gone to war.

Hermie and his friends, see the newlyweds teenager when the groom takes his beautiful new wife on their honeymoon cottage. Hermie is the love-struck, and despite the clumsy and bumbling unsuccessful with other underage girls on the island, in film and on the beach, Hermiedeveloped deep romantic feelings for Dorothy. Befriends him and makes him odd jobs for her, moving her attic, where he learns that her husband was deployed.

Hermie ignored his friends, and Dorothy visited one night to find their homes dark and quiet, a telegram was shot down on the table giving Dorothy's husband, and killed over France, an hour earlier. Dorothy seems, depends on the theme of the film score on the gramophone and dance slowly and has embraced andstart kissing. You can guess the rest ...

Hermie clothes behind, while Dorothy, now in his bathrobe smoking a cigarette on his porch, looking toward the night sky - I can only say what it is, 'Good night' and Hermie leaves, to see again. He wanders all night in shock. When he returned the next day, the hut is empty, Dorothy is gone and she has a handwritten note on the door to express their regret and hope that Hermie can forgive her.

Hermie has been exhausted andbut the sad journey teenhood has all the space of one night adult.

The real raucher Herman wrote this story about 30 years later, the apotheosis, followed after his overwhelming success at the box office, now a book with the same noise.

After an appearance on television, no less than 12 women are entitled to the "real" Dorothy wrote in smokers recognized the handwriting of Dorothy, the excuse that exressed again, where the information could only haveknown, in the hope that the event had not traumatized, and asked him to leave the issue in the past without any further contact.

Hermie lost sight of his first love, the evanescent Dorothy.

Dorothy was Jennifer O'Neill, who played only 22 currently. And 'avoided making any nudity unknown as a condition for the film against the wishes of his parents', that love, the shots were done tastefully, with more nostalgia proposed as an explicit representation.

With theirillustrated book features face radiates the "girl next door" image, the stuff of dreams and longing, love the summer and was lost. Each person could fall madly in love with her to Hermie, and also to understand why 30 years later, he was still willing to look at again.

Jennifer O'Neill's is one of the great beauties of the world, whose face graced the pages of leading magazines around the world as a model for Cover Girl cosmetics for the last 30Years. Born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, she is an indefatigable more than 30 films, written three pounds, speaker and pro-life activist, she has survived a series of failed marriages (8), miscarriage (9) and real estate deals gone sour on. He inspired others with his deep spirituality and go, but their beauty dream, the other door and keep it with enthusiasm.

Hermie and see the sea in his eyes, holds the mist through her hair and summer, timeless andprofoundly influential, with touch of melancholy indecipherable.

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