Saturday, September 25, 2010

Ilsa Mujeres, across the bay of Cancun - The History of Pirates, Fermin Mundaca de Marechaja

Said one of the best known and most enigmatic figures Isla Mujeres was Fermin Mundaca de Marechaja be a pirate, but better known as a slave trader. In mid-1800 the British Navy were to stop the slave trade actively on the high seas. Due to the success of the British Navy, life uncomfortable for him, he decided to retire in Isla Mujeres, with its sheltered coasts and salt, which was then a vital necessity for food preservation.

There was much more "sea-men," the company moved to the island, welcome to the provision made. However, he fell in love with a beautiful young girl Iceland), known locally as "The Triguena" (the brunette.

Such was his love and desire for this beauty of 18 years, he has built for her, a fabulous hacienda. Surrounded by beautiful gardens, as full of exotic plants, the beauty that is accessed through the gates of storage you want. However, they spared his devotion and married a young> Isle of Man, who had many children, which led to the end Mundaca crazy.

He returned to land and die in the city of Merida, where he was buried. However, if you are visiting Isla Mujeres cemetery, you can craved his grave stone, which is marked in the symbol of the skull, and bears the inscription "How are you, I've been. How are you are."

Much of the wealth Mundaca trade in slaves from Africa to Cuba This allowed him to build thisbeautiful hacienda, whose remains are the Natural Park on the south side of the island between the center and Garrafón.

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