Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sardinian Food - A Brief History

Sardinian foods have a legitimate place in the typical Mediterranean gastronomic tradition. It could not be otherwise given the geographical position in the middle of Mare Nostrum. Noodles, bread, pies and cakes: In practice, a Sardinian cuisine like a good carbohydrate, in which the main ingredient is the derivative of wheat are described.

This is a good amount of fiber and fruits, while fats mainly of plant origin - in particularMonoleic acid found in olive oil. The rest of the white meat and oily fish that are rich get good polyunsaturated varieties: lamb, goat, lamb, lean pork, fatty fish, molluscs and crustaceans.

And the flavors that have little to do with nutrients and calories, but they are all pleasing to the palate of all natural wild oregano, fennel, garlic, bay leaves. Sardinian dishes are delicious and healthy food throughout the body, especially theCardiovascular system.
Music paper, eggs, cheese and Porceddu - these are the first words in your mind when it comes to food Sardinia. And paint a picture of the island - it is the fertile plains to the deep blue sea, the rugged pastures and the scent of the Mediterranean, as you and the mercy we shall see, while this article on the beauty of Sardinia - a review of the Mediterranean cuisine, from Mediterranean Islands.

Sardinia has beengoverned by many different races over the years and was able to ensure the best use of all their sovereign Kitchens - Catalan and courses, Spanish or Piedmont, stirring every new post in their own culture, vibrant, which is even broader varied. In fact, some people argue that instead of Sardinian cuisine, it would be appropriate to talk about culinary schools in different regions of the island, islands that are actually food in the EU.

Enter theWorlds of myths and legends, processions, wild rides and archaic rituals to revive the shine of the forgotten again, you start to see where it starts to show a great influence.
We are able to Cagliari, the Phoenician, open to start in all respects. In a lovely bay provides food, refined by exquisite nuances, and then the country flavor of Campidano, home of culingionis burning impanada and other friendly, dumpling. In the direction Arborea Oristano, we come to a countrythis incomparably fine wines.

The lakes of Cabras hide the secret of the delicate roe. Connoisseurs have been known for centuries about roe. It is made from August to September, Cabras, in the province of Oristano. It is made of mullet roe, protective layer that bag full of salted and dried in the sun for two or three months in a dry and ventilated. These wood panels, heavy formed. Thin slices as an appetizer, or use it on pasta,spaghetti cooked al dente, then fried in a pan with olive oil, parsley and mullet is just incredible! Mullet is the most tender tuna roe that has a big hearty grain.The the three-, Barbagia inviolable, surrounded by forests and mountains surrounding bastions, hesitates, has left his life as a shepherd, and the house of Porceddu - and that's all the beginning of the old Nuoro, from sweets as Sebadas, Tilicas Sospirus and embellished.

Gallura has twoFaces - the ancient land of cork trees, the sister of Corsica and the modern tourist district - is reflected in the delicious food and traditional as Suppa Purulzoni be, and delicious fish and seafood from Olbia and other famous seaside resorts, which has always served with great wines whose labels bear the names of ancient villages and hamlets. In the west, beyond the garden is Anglona Logudoro and Sassari, a hundred different ways of preparing tenders worm. After you cross the fertileNurra Valley - home to the vineyards - we come to Alghero Catalan seafood to enjoy.

As you will see, not even the Sardinian foods have been overwhelmed by industrialization. Neither the recipes or the appearance of the ingredients or food products, starting with bread, cold cuts and cheeses, which were still made with traditional methods, is lost. As in other Mediterranean countries, the recipes speak of old-fashioned, family, humble but full of food that has not changed in some cases, over the centuriesand is still passed on from mother to daughter. One has only his few simple rules, confidence in his wisdom to follow and great results are guaranteed - and delicious! You will find that this old kitchen very modern with its hearty soup that judges combine a meal, lamb and pork stew with vegetables, the main and side dishes, and seafood as Cassola is doing - a soup and main course in one. Based on olive oil to treat their healthy recipes Sardiniaand tasty ingredients with care, cooking them gently and briefly - and in his modesty, the elegance of simplicity, all the sophistication of their security.

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